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The Sower


The Sower

Light a candle and remember the presence of God is with you.

Cut out the pieces to help you tell this story.

Jesus told us sacred stories called parables.
Sacred means that something is extra special.
Jesus was extra special and so were the stories he told.

The extra special stories Jesus told were messages about how to love God and love each other. Let us wonder how this parable helps us love. (Pause.)

Jesus told this story while in a boat talking to people who wanted to hear about God’s love.

God’s love is something that grows. There are some places where it is hard to grow love, but God still tries. God throws the seeds of love everywhere.

When the Sower throws out the seeds of love, some of the seeds fall on rocks and roads. The rocks and roads do not have soil.

The seed is eaten by the birds and the roots are not strong and dry up.

Have the birds come and eat the imaginary seeds.

When the Sower throws out the seeds of love, some of the seeds fall in the weeds. Weeds do not like other plants besides weeds.

When the Sower throws out the seeds of love, some of the seeds fall on good dirt and grow really big and strong.

The seeds from those planted in love create more plants of love.

The Good Shepherd_edited.jpg

Matthew 13:23 (Common English Bible)

The seeds that fell on good ground are the
people who hear and understand the

message. They produce as much
as a hundred or sixty or thirty
times what was planted.

I wonder…

. . . how this parable helps us love?

. . . how seeds grow?

. . . how the birds feel?

. . . why seeds do not grow in rocks? Weeds?

. . . why seeds grow in good soil?

. . . how the Sower/Farmer feels?

. . . If this story has all it needs?

. . . Can you tell this story differently?

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