Let's Get This Faith Party Started
Family Tutoring
(Join newsletter and follow on social media.) If you are maybe wanting a bit more, FREE - 20 Minute Consult.
Virtual 20 Minute Tutoring Sessions with a Faith Tutor. (me).
Single Session (Within a 2 Month Period)
3 Sessions - with Module
6 Sessions - with Module
12 Sessions - with 2 Modules
Module? (I am so glad you asked!)
Modules are 8 to 12 online lessons. They are biblical education website pages where you can pick and choose what may work best for you or your family on your own time. You can access them from anywhere you are “connected”. Each module has 8-14 different lessons.
Learn more here on how to use our lessons.
3. Buy Access to a Module or Other Helpful Items to do on your own Hybrid time.

Church Consulting and Workshops
Does your church say things like, "Families are just not coming to church anymore?
Is your church leadership worried about inconsistent attendance?
Do you not have a budget to hire someone to work with your families?
Let's Party!
FREE 20-Minute Consultation to see if Faith Tutors can help your church families be more faithful while not breaking the bank.